Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Word Day: Rake

I love words that have a alternate meaning than the I normally associate with it. There's always a nice reward for looking it up. It's like a digital Easter egg.

I think that's why I have an affinity for the word "corona" even though I associate that with a certain brand versus a definition. Similar principle applies, though.

So today's word is rake. Immediate thought? The thing you use to drag leaves across the ground in order to form piles of them. Ah, but as always, context matters, so I immediately knew that the garden tool was not the thought the writer was trying to bring to mind.

What was it, then?

Ah yes, of course! And what says dissolute and promiscuous more than a hairy man riding a unicorn?

1 comment:

  1. There's an exchange in the movie MANSFIELD PARK, when Fanny suspects a man of being a rake, and her sister replies, "Mmmm, Yes, please!"
